I. Introductory provisions

  1. These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as ‘Terms and Conditions’) set out the rules for the provision of services by TastyTask spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Lublin, ul. Szkolna 15 (20-124 Lublin), entered in the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court Poznań – Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, 8th Commercial Department of the National Court Register under the number 0000576971, holding NIP: 7773254367 (hereinafter referred to as ‘TastyTask’) for the provision of an internal communication and task management tool in the domain tastytask.com (hereinafter referred to as ‘Service’).
  2. In addition, the Terms and Conditions constitute regulations within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means to the extent that the service to the Customer is provided electronically.
  3. In order to use the TastyTask tool it is necessary to have:
    1. a device with access to the Internet and a web browser in the current version.
    2. an active e-mail account (e-mail) – in the case of registration as well as for placing orders.


II. Object of the service

  1. The TastyTask tool allows users to communicate, create and manage projects and tasks in a secure virtual environment.
  2. Within its various modules, TastyTask allows users to create tasks and assign them to specific users, manage tasks, create posts and use chat, share tasks and projects with users outside the CLIENT organisation.


III. User Account and Registration

  1. The use of TastyTask requires the creation of a user account. For this purpose, the CUSTOMER shall fill in the registration form available at tastytask.co.uk. Within 7 working days, TastyTask will create a User Administrator account and forward the login data to the e-mail address provided in the registration form.
  2. As a result of a correctly created account, the CUSTOMER is granted access to the TastyTask tool with Administrator rights. An Administrator is a CUSTOMER or a user acting on behalf of a CUSTOMER with administrative rights, which include, but are not limited to: the right to receive notifications and rules and regulations on behalf of the CUSTOMER, the right to enable and disable additional features of the CUSTOMER’s Account, the right to delete users and their content, the right to delete Administrator User Accounts, the right to grant Administrator status to users.
  3. Once the User Administrator account has been properly created and the login details have been provided to the CUSTOMER, the user can set a personal password and change it in the user panel. 
  4. A CUSTOMER with a user account with administrator rights may create further user accounts, in the number corresponding to the selected package, and grant them specific rights.
  5. User accounts may not be shared or used by more than one person. The CUSTOMER shall be solely responsible for all actions that take place within a User Account (including any consequences of the user’s use or publication of content), regardless of whether such action has been authorised by the CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER acknowledges that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your user account information.


IV. User content

  1. Users may upload data, information, materials and documents to be stored in the Customer’s account. User content may be used in any way, as authorised by the user. No user has the right to use another user’s content in any way. CLIENT also acknowledges and agrees that TastyTask shall have no liability if any person to whom CLIENT has authorized access to user content modifies, destroys, damages, copies or distributes user content.
  2. The CUSTOMER is solely responsible for protecting the information on computers and other devices, for example by installing anti-virus software, updating applications, password protecting files and preventing third parties from accessing the devices. The CUSTOMER understands that user content may be corrupted by viruses, software failures or other causes. CUSTOMER agrees that TastyTask is not responsible for any damages that users may suffer as a result of sharing and using corrupted content.


V. Payment

  1. There is a fee for access to the TastyTask tool.
  2. TastyTask may grant free access to the tool not exceeding 14 days.
  3. Payments for paid access to the TastyTask tool are made by the CUSTOMER to the bank account number provided by TastyTask.
  4. The price of the ordered Package indicated in the order form on the Website is a net price to which VAT at the currently applicable rate must be added.  
  5. The purchase is documented by an invoice. The Customer agrees to receive an electronic image of billing documents, in particular such as invoices, electronically to the e-mail address provided by the Customer during registration. 
  6. The Customer may benefit from discounts according to the rules described in the Website. The accumulated discounts can be used by the CUSTOMER exclusively for the purchase of Packages that have not been excluded from being subject to the given discounts or rebates. The value of a discount reduces the price the CUSTOMER pays for the material. Discounts can only be combined if this is expressly stated on them. Discounts are neither transferable nor convertible into monetary amounts or other benefits at any time.


VI. Use of the tool

  1. The contract for the use of the TastyTask tool is concluded for an indefinite period of time. The CUSTOMER may terminate the contract by giving 1 month’s notice effective at the end of the calendar month. The notice of termination should be submitted to TastyTask by e-mail to kontakt@tastytask.pl The CLIENT may also demand the discontinuation of the services by other means, provided that his/her identity as an account holder can be properly verified. The CUSTOMER is obliged to make an accounting for the time during which he/she had access to the tool.
  2. The CUSTOMER is not allowed to share the use of the account with other persons, including the disclosure of the password used to access the account. The CUSTOMER is obliged to keep the password to the account secret and protect it from disclosure. The CLIENT is obliged to inform TastyTask immediately if the access data to the Account has been taken over by third parties and to explain the circumstances of the takeover.
  3. The account contains the data of the CUSTOMER provided by him/her in the registration form. In the event of any changes to the data entered in the Account, the CUSTOMER is obliged to update them immediately using the appropriate form available in the Account. The CUSTOMER is responsible for indicating incomplete, outdated or untrue data or failing to update his/her data accordingly.
  4. In the event that the CUSTOMER violates the Terms and Conditions, the law or good morals, TastyTask may terminate the contract with the CUSTOMER or suspend its performance under a specific account. 
  5. It is forbidden for the CUSTOMER to use graphic elements (including the ‘TastyTask’ logo), the layout and composition of the TastyTask web pages (so-called layout), graphic elements, as well as other intellectual property rights, without the express written consent of TastyTask.
  6. Any aggregation and processing of data and other information available on TastyTask for the purpose of making it available to third parties on other websites as well as offline is prohibited. It is also prohibited to use TastyTask markings, including distinctive graphic elements, without the consent of TastyTask or another entity entitled to grant such consent.
  7. VERSEO archives the data of the CLIENT’s account for a period of 30 days from the date on which the term of the contract expires. After this period, the CUSTOMER’s account is deleted.


VII. Complaint

  1. The CUSTOMER may lodge a complaint against TastyTask, in particular in the event of non-compliance of the Service with the contract, or if TastyTask’s actions are implemented incorrectly or not in accordance with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions.
  2. A complaint can be submitted electronically via the contact form on the website of the Service or by e-mail or in writing to TastyTask.
  3. The complaint should include: name and surname, contact details (as reported on the Service), description of the transaction to which the complaint relates or other circumstances justifying the complaint, as well as the specific demand of the CUSTOMER related to the complaint.
  4. If the data or information provided in the complaint needs to be supplemented, TastyTask shall request the CUSTOMER making the complaint to supplement it to the extent indicated, before considering the complaint.
  5. TastyTask will consider the complaint within 14 days from the date of its receipt. The CUSTOMER will be informed of the manner in which the complaint is considered in accordance with his/her wishes (e.g., by electronic correspondence, to the address he/she provided through registration or in writing). If the complaint is rejected, TastyTask will notify the CUSTOMER stating the reasons for this decision.
  6. The refund of the price paid by the CUSTOMER shall be made in a manner analogous to the payment method selected by the CUSTOMER. In case the CUSTOMER took advantage of a discount when purchasing the material, the price refund will be reduced by the value of the discount used. The CUSTOMER will be able to use this discount in future purchases under the terms to which the CUSTOMER was entitled before the conclusion of the transaction in relation to which the price is refunded.
  7. The CUSTOMER, who is a consumer, may make use of out-of-court ways of dealing with complaints and claims, including:
    1. may refer the matter to the permanent amicable consumer court operating at the trade inspectorate with a request to resolve the dispute;
    2. may apply to the voivodship inspector of the commercial inspection to initiate mediation proceedings for an amicable settlement of the dispute;
    3. may make use of free-of-charge assistance concerning out-of-court dispute resolution and redress by district (city) consumer ombudsmen and social organisations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection;
    4. may use the European ODR platform (Online Dispute Resolution) available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.


VIII. Protection and processing of personal data

  1. The CUSTOMER may provide personal data in order to make use of the service, as well as during the use of the tool.
  2. The provision of personal data is voluntary, but necessary to use the service. Without the provision of personal data, the provision of services will not be possible.
  3. For more information on the processing of personal data, please refer to TastyTask’s privacy policy at the link https://tastytask.com/en/privacy


IX. Final provisions

  1. TastyTask reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions in the event of:
    1. the occurrence of important technical and organisational reasons, such as the emergence of new technologies and IT systems that affect the provision of services;
    2. the need to adapt to changes in generally applicable legislation;
    3. the need to adapt to the positions of court rulings or administrative decisions;
    4. to make changes for reasons of security, fraud prevention, improvement of privacy protection;
    5. editorial changes.
  2. TastyTask will notify the CUSTOMER of the change to the Terms and Conditions no later than 14 days prior to the proposed effective date of the changes by sending a notice of the change to the Terms and Conditions to the email address assigned to the CUSTOMER’s account, with the updated Terms and Conditions attached as part of the email sent to the CUSTOMER.
  3. The amended Regulations shall become effective on the date indicated in the notification, unless the CUSTOMER, within 14 days from the delivery of the amended Regulations, submits to the following address: contact@tastytask.com a declaration of disagreement with the amended content of the Regulations, which declaration shall be tantamount to termination of the contract for the provision of electronic services for access to the tool.
  4. The governing law for contracts between the CLIENT and TastyTask under the terms and conditions of the Terms and Conditions shall be Polish law.


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